"Never underestimate what you can do when you believe in yourself. Never give up."

Current Goals:
Get a Industry Related part time Job
Win a BJJ competition
Get 2 High Distinctions for University
Learn Chinese - Mandarin

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

1/2/12 What the heck

Submitted the Study Abroad program whilst still being a little unsure about going. I have spoken to a few close people about the whole trip and really despite all the reasons, nay excuses, I come up with... it really comes down to regretting going or not going. Now everything is done, I have to wait up to 5 weeks to find out the verdict... Honestly I am hoping that I both get accepted and that I don't get accepted. It is rather a funny predicament.

Didn't get up to too much today, mainly just handed in my study abroad program and also checked out a local gym I have been meaning to check out for a while. It is a little pricy ($15 and change/week) although it is 24/7 and has rather state of the art facilities. It is rather close to home and being 24/7 it is rather convenient. Need to think about it a little more, the extra $3 a week compared to where I am going and quite frankly it really does add up.. [$12 a month, $144 a year]. Current gym being the uni gym but to go there especially on the weekends is out of my way and perhaps that may be why I wasn't as regular as I should have been. The choices, the choices. I will check out another place then make my decision later - don't intend on joining till the end of the week.

Completely off topic. ZOE. ZOE. ZOE. You are a crazy evil girl aren't you? But heck, I love that. Oh yes I do. Don't be scared. I just get excited thinking about you. Now I know how you feel I am completely at ease. I am just counting down the days, one at a time. Then you will be mine, for now and forever.

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